Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spring fever and the rush of a sleeping baby

What a gloomy day it has been today, rain, rain go away! Since we have had a few really nice 60° days, I have been suffering from spring fever. This has been the winter that never was. I like snow but have had enough in the past 2 years. With spring 20 days away I hope I am not speaking too soon. If we get a freak blizzard it will be all my fault.

I wanted to get out of the house today and needed to pick up yogurt and baby crack. There was a break in the rain so I seized the opportunity to kick the dogs into the backyard. Squeeky hates the rain and Fizgig needs a good toweling off when he comes inside. once the dogs were in and dry, I loaded the baby in his carseat and off we went to Target. Such a glamours life I lead.

I like to wear Orion in the Becco when I go shopping. He is usually happier when I wear him and it gives me a workout. I have also found that he is more likely to fall asleep in the carrier or once we get in the car. I always have reuseable bags with me and if I am only picking up a few things, I will load up a reuseable bag with my keys and wallet and off I go. This usually prevents me from buying way more than I had intended to which is really easy to do at Target.

All in all, we were in Target for 20 minutes at most and the car ride home was all of 10 minutes. Orion was asleep by the time I pulled in the driveway. Hurray!!!! I am so happy! What to do, what to do? I feel like I did when I was a kid home alone. I want to jump on the bed and run around naked. Instead, I ate hummus out of the container with falafel chips and sometimes just my finger. Then I finally spent time on netflicks putting my queue in order and adding some new stuff.

There have been times when Orion has fallen asleep in the car and Patrick and I are all like "Ok, what do you want to do now? Let's take over the world!!". But we never do anything that exciting. When the baby is asleep I like to answer emails, check facebook, read, do the dishes, write this here blog. I know I have precious little time as his naps are an hour at most.

Right now, I could be working on his baby book which is all over the kitchen table, or folding laundry but instead I have chosen to dick around and it feels soooo good! I get such a rush when he is sleeping and I am free to do something. I will usually use that time to be productive but all work and no play is boring. What do you like to do when the baby is asleep?

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